2013년 12월 13일 금요일

Cooking Equipment

" Cooking Equipment "

I'll introduce some kinds of Cooking Equipment.
If you want to baking, some Cooking Equipment should be needed.

1. Oven

To Bakers, Oven is necessary equipment. 
This oven (in picture) is super-sized oven and really expensive.
However, if you want to buy oven, there are many sized oven in the market. 
If I buy an oven, I will choose mini-sized oven.

2. Mixer

Mixer can help you to mix baking materials
like flour, eggs, and sugar, etc.
It can mix them fast, and I think it is most necessary cooking equipment!

3. Eggbeater

This is Eggbeater. 
It can help you beat an egg well, 
and especially it is useful to beat lots of eggs.

There are 2 types of eggbeater.
(automatic eggbeater and hand-operated eggbeater.)

4. Mold

they are molds. mold is useful when you want to make special shape of breads.
in special days, you can make special forms of bread with kinds of molds.

Enjoy Baking with Cooking Equipment!

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